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The Holbrook Sound Project: 
Exploring the changing sounds of village life 

Share your favourite Holbrook Sound

I am very keen to hear about what sounds and noises you associate with Holbrook.


They can be sounds from any time within the past 100 years. They could be of the natural environment, the workplace or domestic sounds. 

  • Do you miss the sound of the rooks when you are away on holiday?

  • Do you find tractor sounds soothing?

To suggest a village sound please use simple contact form below. You can complete the form anonymously or leave some contact details. 


Feel free to submit sounds that you personally remember, descriptions of sounds that family members have passed down to you or even sounds that you imagine might have been around over the last 100 years. They can be sounds that you liked or disliked!

Below the contact form is a list all the sounds we have collected  - some of these sounds need more information adding to them.

Thank you!

Suggest a sound

Please use this form to tell me about a Holbrook sound from the past 100 years. Please try to include a rough date when the sound might have been heard and where the sound was located in the village (if you know). Thank you!

Thank you!

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