Exploring the changing sounds of village life The Holbrook Sound Project:

I am exploring how the soundscape of the village of Holbrook has changed over the last 100 years, and I need your help with my research!
There are lots of wonderful old pictures of Holbrook that give a glimpse into the daily life of the village throughout the last century, but I am equally fascinated by what the village sounded like.
This interest in the sounds of the village started after reading the ‘Sounds and Noise’ chapter in the brilliant ‘Holbrook, The Story of a Village 1900-1983’ by local author Warrenton Page. Warrenton described a rich tapestry of working noises and sounds that drifted over the landscape; most, if not all, of these sounds are no longer heard by us.

I recently secured some funding from Arts Council England to research what these old sounds of the village were, to explore how and why the sounds of the village have changed over the last century and to record what sounds we hear in Holbrook today.
I will be out and about with my microphones recording around the village between January and October 2024, and hope to hold some community events such as a soundwalk and a music making session. I also need residents to help with the research and to share their thoughts on the daily sounds we hear in the village.
How you can get involved
I am very keen to hear about what sounds and noises you associate with Holbrook.
You can explore (and help me identify) the old village sounds I have discovered so far.
You can read my blog to see how the project is progressing.
You can listen to the modern sounds of the village I have recorded either on my podcast, or through the media player below.
If you see me out and about with my recording kit, please come and say hello!
Matt Shenton
[These field recordings were recorded to showcase the natural sounds heard in a rural setting. They feature no human voices. No monies will be made from their recording. Please contact me if you have any concerns]