On Sunday 5th May I broadcast the Dawn Chorus from Holbrook Creek to a global audience as part of Reveil 11.
This was my second year broadcasting, and having done a trial run the week before I was pretty confident that things would turn out ok. However, it was really misty when i left the house at 4:05am and I could barely see 10 metres in front of me as I made the short trip from the village down to the creek.

The creek was once a working environment with a brickworks and a couple of jetties that transported agricultural goods from Suffolk to London and received London’s refuse in return. The rubbish included horse muck which was spread on the land, but also included broken pottery which today can still be found on the surface of the fields.
The brickworks and transportation links are long gone, but this tidal river is a haven for birds and enjoyed by visitors from the local villages.
I set up my gear on a fallen tree on the northern shore of the river Stour. The mist gradually lifted and the birdsong began from the mudflats in front and the woodlands behind. As with last year, the experience is quite spectacular. There is a feeling of isolation when staring out over the river and of peace if you can totally absorb yourself in listening to the birdsong.
In total, I recorded for over an hour at the location, and the Merlin app identified the following birds (not all will feature in the recording below): Blackbird, Robin, Greater Whitethroat, Blue Tit, Wood-Pigeon, Dunnock, Carrion Crow, Ring-necked Pheasant, Wren, Great Tit, Blackcap, Common Cuckoo, Black-headed Gull, Marsh Warbler, Rook, Skylark, Goldfinch, Chiffchaff, Graylag Goose and Oystercatcher.
This excerpt of the recording was made between 5:05am and 5:25am on Sunday 5th May 2024 (the official sunrise time at the creek was 5:16 am).
[This field recording was recorded to showcase the natural sounds heard in a rural setting. It features no human voices. No monies will be made from the recording. Please contact me  if you have any concerns]